Simple and Easy Home Improvement Tips and Tricks.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

On 11:50 PM by Unknown in    No comments

Getting Rid of Termites

Every year many people around the world use different techniques or spend money to save their wooden cupboards, furniture and other things in house from termites. Termite treatment becomes necessary once any part of your house is attacked by these pests. Neglecting it will destroy your precious belongings and will cost you much higher. 

Fact: Statistics indicate that almost $1.7 billion are spent annually on termite treatment in US alone.

A wooden table damaged by termites
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Method 1: 

Place your furniture outdoor in the direct sunlight on a hot, sunny day. Termites prefer to stay in dark and damp places. Sunlight will work as insecticide and will destroy their tubes which they made out of mud and fecal matter to protect themselves. Rotate the furniture throughout the day to ensure that heat and sunlight reach any termites trying to hide. 

Method 2:

Remember that termites made their shelter tubes in damp places. Move the furniture away from lingering moisture and relocate it to a dry location. Open windows of your room often so that the dampness of your rooms reduce and in this way you are creating an unfavorable environment for termites.

These above mentioned are two simple tricks which you should remember always to avoid damaging of your good from termites. 


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