Simple and Easy Home Improvement Tips and Tricks.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

On 12:59 AM by Unknown in    No comments

You should definitely try these remodeling ideas in your home. These ideas are not only amazing but are also extremely useful.

1. Convert your living room into conversation pit by lowering it down

Living Room
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2. Convert the lower part of stairs into rags and use it for displaying books and decoration pieces 

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3. Maximize your space with baseboard drawers (specially in kitchen and bathroom)

baseboard drawers
Image Credits:

4. Turn dead space above a staircase into a playroom

Image Credits: apartmenttherapy
play room
Image Credits: apartmenttherapy

Friday, November 21, 2014

On 2:17 PM by Unknown in    No comments
Starting a business is like starting a new life with a completely different vision and values. It requires re-orientation of all the aspects of life in favour of the business so that the life can move in coordination with our business aims. So apparently, it's not an easy task at all. But there are some key pointers that can make your business journey smooth and free from all the speed breakers. Let's have a look at what these 5 tips say about building a successful business.
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1- Pursue Your Passion

If you really wanna start a business, first figure out what your passion is. Then start building up the foundation for your business according to what you love to do the most. When you will enjoy your work, your work will no longer remain work for you. It will become your favorite hobby

2- Work On Something That Others Don't Even Dare Considering

It's easy to be a copy cat in the market but what will make your business stand a class apart is the level of risk you will take by introducing something valuable that others have not even thought of. And be confident as bigger risks are always followed by bigger profit margins.

3- Keep your financial and force weapons ready all the time

Businesses are full of ups and downs. Anything can happen unexpectedly anytime. A wise entrepreneur always spends his resources carefully and in a calculated way. He always keeps something aside for the harsh times his business can be faced with. You should have savings in terms of money, time and energy for coping with the unfortunate times effectively.

4- Keep it Safe and Simple with Lower Budget

Don't add extra expenses to your business strategy. Plan out everything beforehand while keeping your budget as limited as possible. Don't waste your capital on setting up high-profile offices with a lavish decor or on showy marketing tactics. Keep everything simple and focus more on providing greater value in your products or services.

5- Be Prepared for Fierce Competition

If your idea is truly innovative and gets the attention from the customers right away then be prepared for being hit by the companies that will love to copy you. Before stepping into the market, make sure you have a strong vision regarding continuous improvements and innovations that become difficult to follow for your competitors.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

On 12:00 AM by Unknown in    No comments
Plant enthusiasts often like to grow cactus in their gardens and lawns. These desert succulents have ability to survive in hard climate conditions and they also require less attention as compared to other plants. Still some skills and techniques are required to grow healthy cactus plants in your garden. In this article we are going to discuss how to take care of cactus plants and how much light, water and fertilizer is required by these plants.

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1. Light:

Most of the cactus plants like bright light but this is not true for all kinds. The intensity of the light that a plant will thrive in depends on the species. If your plant is exposed to too much sun light and it started turning into yellowish or orangish, it means that plant is under too much stress and you should take an appropriate action. If your plant is receiving too little light its growth will be stopped. So it is necessary to grow your cactus where it will be in normal light. If your cactus is in pot then it will be easy for you to relocate it. Take it out of pot when it is grown enough stronger and healthier. 

2. Water:

 Remember that cactus in pots require more care in watering than in the ground. Most of the cactus plants have growth periods from spring to fall. While growing, cacti and succulents should be watered at least once a week. In winter seasons, increase the interval between watering and let the soil dry out completely before watering again. Indoor cactus plants should be watered as little as once a month depending on the dryness of the house.
Quick Tip: Take a wooden pencil and place it down through the soil to the bottom of the pot, when removed, if damp soil is on it don't water.

3. Fertilizer: 

Most species of  cactus like several small feeding, better than one large feeding. During the growing season, a balanced fertilizer, which has been diluted to 1/4 strength, can be added to the water for each watering.
Quick Tip: Balanced fertilizer has approximately equal proportions of Nitrogen, Phosphorous, and Potassium and is diluted to 1/4 strength.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

On 3:47 PM by Unknown in    3 comments
Carpets often enhance the outlook of your room and keep it clean. They are colourful, comfortable and easy to maintain. It is an economical choice for floor covering and you do not need to use expensive tiles to make your floor look good. Like other textile materials carpets also needs care and proper maintenance otherwise they will store immense amount of dust in it and look dirty. Spots and stains if not properly and immediately removed from carpet then they will make a permanent impression on your carpet. Here are some simple tips for cleaning carpets:

Vacuum cleaner
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  1. If spot is wet, blot it, don't rub. Rubbing spreads the soil.
  2. Always use white cloth for removing out stains or spots. 
  3. Clean spots and stains immediately. You will have much better chance of removing them.
  4. You must have a carpet shampoo at home. It is easily available in market.
  5. If spot is dry, loosen soil and vacuum away prior to moistening it.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

On 12:01 AM by Unknown in    No comments
In hot and dry weathers, your lawn grass will become crisp and it will show some signs of stress. Summer lawn care is about keeping it healthy while temperatures rises and rainfall reduces. In this kind of weather you lawn grass will become dry and all these dry patches in your lawn will destroy the overall look of lawn. Here are some tips for keeping your lawn in shape over those long, hot days of summer.

1. Watering:

Watering Lawn
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In summer season, avoid watering your lawn in afternoon and evening. The best time in hot for watering lawn in hot weather is morning when it is cool to allow more water to soak into the ground rather than evaporate.

2. Keep Grass Longer:

lawn mower
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Grass, just like other plants, has a crown from which new growth emerges. If you keep the lawn longer in the summer, the blades shade the crown and protect it from burning.

3. Avoid Over Fertilizing:

Fertilizing Grass
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In the event that your garden is looking straggly in midsummer, don't fertilize it. Actually, its best to stop fertilizing around 30 days before summers arrive. Applying additional fertilizer in the high temperature of summer can smolder your yard.

Friday, October 10, 2014

On 11:25 PM by Unknown in    No comments
An amazing infographic which will illustrate some habits of most productive people.

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Wednesday, October 1, 2014

On 4:00 PM by Unknown in    No comments
We usually store plenty of food items in our fridge. Often we forget to utilize the old items stored in our fridge. With time passes, those items started to rot and creates a very bad smell in your fridge. This thing sometimes becomes real embarrassment when you have to open your fridge in front of someone. Other then embarrassment, the odour will also effect your other food items stored in your fridge. In the event that you open your fridge and smell something awful, it is high time to do a bit of examination. Instead of telling you long steps to solve this thing, I am going to write just two simple methods which are tested and they have proven to be useful.

Before using these methods, you must remember that, you should prevent this smell by taking some small measures. Like never store large amount of items in fridge and at least twice or thrice a week, check your fridge, and discard all old items. Once in a month take all of your items out of the fridge and keep its door open for half an hour so that all the smell gets out of it. Once in  month wash and rinse all of the parts before thoroughly drying them. Don't forget to wipe as much of the walls and floor of the fridge as you can, even under the crisper drawers.

1. Use Activated Charcoal 

Activated Charcoal
Image Credits: tembakaushisha.blogspot

You can easily purchase this type of charcoal at your local house wares store. Place a layer of it on a shallow pan and place it inside of the refrigerator. Keep the settings on low and let it run for a few days in this manner. Do not keep food in it, though.

2. Baking Soda and Lavender:

Baking Soda and Lavender
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Sweet scented lavender is a species of flowering plants in the mint family. Dried leaves of lavender and baking soda is enough to make a smell absorber. If you can't find dried lavender, you can also use lavender oil. Take an aluminium dredger. Fill it three quarters with baking soda and add lavender buds by separating it from stem. Mix the buds with baking soda using spoon. Place this aluminium dredger into back of the fridge and it will work as a perfect smell absorber. You can change this mixture of baking soda and lavender after every month. 

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

On 7:48 PM by Unknown in    No comments
Rats and lizards are the most annoying things and no one wants them in their house. Although lizards are useful, because they eat small insects and reduce their population, still lizards are not welcome in homes. People use different kind of insecticide sprays and other products to get rid of lizards but all of these methods failed miserably. Some of these pesticides are even harmful for human health. So, today we are going to discuss inly three methods but all of these methods are proven to be best and they have tried by many people and it gave all of them best results. 

1. Pepper Pesticide Spray

Pepper Pesticide Spray
Image Credits: Wiki How

It's easy to make and easy to use. All you need is a spray bottle, pepper and water. Mix pepper and water, shake it well and spray this solution into cupboards, doors, windows and all the places from where lizards enter into house. Lizards get irritated because of the smell of this spray and will remain far away from the place where it was sprayed. The smell of this spray is not harmful for human health. This method has been tested and proved to be successful.

2. Mixture of Coffee and Tobacco Powder 

Coffee Powder
Image Credits:

Another useful and tested method. You need coffee powder and tobacco powder. Add both powders in same quantities in a bowl, add a small quantity of water and mix both of these powders. Mix till it changed into a form of paste. Than make small balls of this mixture. Put these small balls in corner of rooms and the hiding places of lizards. Find all the small holes where lizards live or breed and put these balls there. For ease, you can use toothpick to fix these balls on them and then place it anywhere. Lizards will try to eat this mixture and they will die in a short period of time after consuming it. 

3. Have a Cat

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I know this sounds weird, but let me tell you that this is one of the most effective method to get rid lizards. Not every pet can help you in this regard. However,cats are one of the biggest predators of lizards. It is often a good idea and mostly as a last resort to have a cat or two to fight against the lizards. 

Sunday, September 28, 2014

On 4:57 PM by Unknown in    No comments

Taking Care of Indoor Plants (5 Important Tips)

Do you know that in the late '80s, Associated Landscape Contractors of America studied indoor plants and they came to a conclusion that houseplants are a way to purify the air in indoor spaces. They found several plants that filter out common volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Having indoor plants is not only fun but also taking care of them easy.  In fact, indoor plants not only help clean the environment around them, but they act as a quick decorating tool. 

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1. Know Your Plants: 

Every houseplant has a different kind of requirement. It is really important to know its type and its requirement for water, sunlight, humidity and soil type. Read information on internet or from other sources about house plants and then select a houseplant which you can easily take care off. Make sure you choose houseplants that will thrive on the amount of light you can provide. Healthy plants will be able to ward off pests and disease much better than weak plants.

2. Watering:

Most indoor plants get damaged or get killed due to over watering. Larger plants in large pots need watering less often than plants in very small pots, which will dry out every couple of days. Cactus and succulents need less watering than thin-leaved or flowering plants. Plants generally need more water in spring and summer seasons. 

3. Watch out for Plant Pests: 

When one indoor plant get attacked by an insect pest, it quickly spreads to other plants as well. Keep an eye on your plants on  daily basis and never left them without care. There are different kind of pest control sprays, the best among them is the natural neem oil spray. It has natural potassium salts and potent neem tree oil, it works on a wide variety of pests. Remember when pests attack one plant, you should isolate it from other plants immediately.  Dust and grime on houseplants doesn't just look bad; it is also bad for the health of the plant. Dust clogs the "pores" of plant leaves, making it difficult for the plant to respirate.

4. Use a Nice and Clean Pot:

Use a pot which is appropriate for your plant. Always keep it clean because a dirty pot will give a bad outlook and it will decrease the value of your plant as well.  It helps the plant a lot if the pot or planter is on a tray with about an inch of aquarium gravel in it.  Make sure the water doesn't touch the bottom of the pot, because if the pot ends up sitting in water, the plant's roots will rot and the plant can die.

5. Make Sure your Plant gets light:

The ideal location to place your indoor plants is near window where they can easily get some sunlight for their photosynthesis process. Identify how much light is needed for the type of plants you have in your home and then act accordingly. 

Saturday, September 27, 2014

On 11:50 PM by Unknown in    No comments

Getting Rid of Termites

Every year many people around the world use different techniques or spend money to save their wooden cupboards, furniture and other things in house from termites. Termite treatment becomes necessary once any part of your house is attacked by these pests. Neglecting it will destroy your precious belongings and will cost you much higher. 

Fact: Statistics indicate that almost $1.7 billion are spent annually on termite treatment in US alone.

A wooden table damaged by termites
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Method 1: 

Place your furniture outdoor in the direct sunlight on a hot, sunny day. Termites prefer to stay in dark and damp places. Sunlight will work as insecticide and will destroy their tubes which they made out of mud and fecal matter to protect themselves. Rotate the furniture throughout the day to ensure that heat and sunlight reach any termites trying to hide. 

Method 2:

Remember that termites made their shelter tubes in damp places. Move the furniture away from lingering moisture and relocate it to a dry location. Open windows of your room often so that the dampness of your rooms reduce and in this way you are creating an unfavorable environment for termites.

These above mentioned are two simple tricks which you should remember always to avoid damaging of your good from termites. 

On 12:07 AM by Unknown in    No comments

Static Back Position for Instant Relief from Back Pain

If you have a sedentary kind of life style and you spend most of your time sitting on a chair working on computer or watching TV while sitting in a wrong posture, then you might be one of those people who are suffering from lower back pain. The worst part is that you try to change your posture or try to overcome pain by massage, it still hurts. 
Lower Back Pain
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Some facts about lower back pain:
  • Americans spend $50 billion dollars on curing lower back pain annually in physicians visits and rehab
  • It is  number 1 cause of job related disability
  • It is number 2 neurological health issue (headaches is #1)


Readers, here is a simple exercise for getting instant relief from back pain. Remember that it is not a permanent cure and you should always consult a physician. This is a solution, when you are getting crazy because of lower back pain and there is no way you are getting rid of it. Try this effective exercise which is explained below.

Static Back Position
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  • Lie on your back with both legs bent at right angles on a chair or block
  • You can just rest your hands on your stomach or lay your arms out at the side below shoulder level, palms facing up
  • Breathe from your stomach. Let the lower back relax.
  • Hold for 5-10 minutes

Friday, September 26, 2014

On 7:27 PM by Unknown in    No comments

Bleach can be Used for Cleaning Lawn Furniture

Household bleach is a chemical which can be used in cleaning of variety of things. It can be used to clean toilets, kitchens, floors and it is also an instant glass cleaner. Among many other uses there is something which most of you probably don't know. Household bleach can also be used to clean lawn furniture made of plastic and other materials. 

Lawn Furniture
Lawn Chairs After Cleaning With Bleach

It is not much hassle. It's a very simple formula. All you have to do is to add 1 cup of saturated bleach in 1 gallon of water. Now with this solution, you can transform your years old lawn furniture into brand new furniture quite effortlessly. First apply this solution on furniture using a clean piece of cloth. The next step is to rub furniture to clean it from dust and other stains using nylon cleaning brush. This simple and easy method will transform your old lawn furniture into new one. This cleanliness of lawn furniture will add a good impact in outlook of your garden or lawn. 

Thursday, September 25, 2014

On 7:06 PM by Unknown in    No comments

Controlling Weeds Without Chemicals

When you are growing your garden , some specific kind of weeds will grow itself at some point. They do not only destroy your plants but also create a bad outlook of your garden. It is very important to eradicate them from your garden. Weeds are mostly troublesome in spring season because it grows rapidly in this season. It is important to take action immediately before they spread into whole area. 

Weeds in Garden
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Hoeing: On a dry day with a light wind, run a hoe over a bed or between rows to kill most weed seedlings. In this way the seedlings will dry out on the surface of the bed rather than re-rooting into moist soil

Hand-pulling or hand-weeding with a fork: It is an effective way and  hand weeding is easiest on lighter soils but it should only be attempted where it will not disturb the roots of garden plants. There are some persistent weeds which when pulled out there small roots sections remained behind which will re-grow later. So, it is important to carefully pull out all weeds using garden fork.

Weed knife: A weed knife has a hooked end and is a useful tool for weeding between paving slabs and along path edging. This tool is easily available at any hardware shop and it must used for digging out dandelions on a lawn.

Repeated cutting: When weeds are on a wider area and it is very difficult to handle all of them then in this case, use lawn mower for repeated cutting to ground level over several months. It will weaken and even kill some weeds. 

Flame gun: Burn weeds between paving slabs and on driveways by blasting them with a flame gun. Use only when the foliage is dry and allow sufficient burn-time for deep-rooted weeds, such as dandelions, to be killed

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

On 10:31 PM by Unknown in    No comments

There is Someone who Always Dislikes you

Notwithstanding the bitterness of Truth, someone has to say it because it is important to know it. It's a human nature that we always wanted to feel and remain protected. Indeed our parents and loved ones try to save us from harsh realities of life but  it is important to know some of the harsh truths about life, which will may make you feel sad but remembering these realities will help you forever in your life.

Some People Will Always Dislike You
I Dislike You
You  may be the nicest person in your friends and family circles. It doesn't mean that you will not get any haters. There may be some people who might even hate you for no reason. It’s actually a good thing to have haters because they are a constant reminder that you are doing something right. So, accept this harsh reality of life, and don't think too much about your haters. Just always try to remain good with those who have a good behaviour with you.

On 4:11 PM by Unknown in    No comments

Latest Trends in Kitchen Designs

Most of us are fed up of the same traditional kitchen designs and now these designs look boring to us. In recent years, the home decoration industry has introduced several unique kitchen designs. The trends in kitchen industry is seeing a shift away from the huge all white kitchens towards natural materials, brass accessories, monochrome cleanness and patterned splash backs. Kitchens are indeed and important part of our home and we don't want to neglect its decoration and design. Here check out this latest idea which is latest and it is much different from the traditional designs. 

Colourful Splashback Tiles in Blue and Purple

This is a very interesting concept and it is highly popular this year. You can easily find in market tiles with different colourful patterns, splashes or exotic designs. Keep the rest of the kitchen minimalistic. If you like creativity you should definitely try this in your kitchen.