Simple and Easy Home Improvement Tips and Tricks.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

On 3:47 PM by Unknown in    3 comments
Carpets often enhance the outlook of your room and keep it clean. They are colourful, comfortable and easy to maintain. It is an economical choice for floor covering and you do not need to use expensive tiles to make your floor look good. Like other textile materials carpets also needs care and proper maintenance otherwise they will store immense amount of dust in it and look dirty. Spots and stains if not properly and immediately removed from carpet then they will make a permanent impression on your carpet. Here are some simple tips for cleaning carpets:

Vacuum cleaner
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  1. If spot is wet, blot it, don't rub. Rubbing spreads the soil.
  2. Always use white cloth for removing out stains or spots. 
  3. Clean spots and stains immediately. You will have much better chance of removing them.
  4. You must have a carpet shampoo at home. It is easily available in market.
  5. If spot is dry, loosen soil and vacuum away prior to moistening it.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

On 12:01 AM by Unknown in    No comments
In hot and dry weathers, your lawn grass will become crisp and it will show some signs of stress. Summer lawn care is about keeping it healthy while temperatures rises and rainfall reduces. In this kind of weather you lawn grass will become dry and all these dry patches in your lawn will destroy the overall look of lawn. Here are some tips for keeping your lawn in shape over those long, hot days of summer.

1. Watering:

Watering Lawn
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In summer season, avoid watering your lawn in afternoon and evening. The best time in hot for watering lawn in hot weather is morning when it is cool to allow more water to soak into the ground rather than evaporate.

2. Keep Grass Longer:

lawn mower
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Grass, just like other plants, has a crown from which new growth emerges. If you keep the lawn longer in the summer, the blades shade the crown and protect it from burning.

3. Avoid Over Fertilizing:

Fertilizing Grass
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In the event that your garden is looking straggly in midsummer, don't fertilize it. Actually, its best to stop fertilizing around 30 days before summers arrive. Applying additional fertilizer in the high temperature of summer can smolder your yard.

Friday, October 10, 2014

On 11:25 PM by Unknown in    No comments
An amazing infographic which will illustrate some habits of most productive people.

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Wednesday, October 1, 2014

On 4:00 PM by Unknown in    No comments
We usually store plenty of food items in our fridge. Often we forget to utilize the old items stored in our fridge. With time passes, those items started to rot and creates a very bad smell in your fridge. This thing sometimes becomes real embarrassment when you have to open your fridge in front of someone. Other then embarrassment, the odour will also effect your other food items stored in your fridge. In the event that you open your fridge and smell something awful, it is high time to do a bit of examination. Instead of telling you long steps to solve this thing, I am going to write just two simple methods which are tested and they have proven to be useful.

Before using these methods, you must remember that, you should prevent this smell by taking some small measures. Like never store large amount of items in fridge and at least twice or thrice a week, check your fridge, and discard all old items. Once in a month take all of your items out of the fridge and keep its door open for half an hour so that all the smell gets out of it. Once in  month wash and rinse all of the parts before thoroughly drying them. Don't forget to wipe as much of the walls and floor of the fridge as you can, even under the crisper drawers.

1. Use Activated Charcoal 

Activated Charcoal
Image Credits: tembakaushisha.blogspot

You can easily purchase this type of charcoal at your local house wares store. Place a layer of it on a shallow pan and place it inside of the refrigerator. Keep the settings on low and let it run for a few days in this manner. Do not keep food in it, though.

2. Baking Soda and Lavender:

Baking Soda and Lavender
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Sweet scented lavender is a species of flowering plants in the mint family. Dried leaves of lavender and baking soda is enough to make a smell absorber. If you can't find dried lavender, you can also use lavender oil. Take an aluminium dredger. Fill it three quarters with baking soda and add lavender buds by separating it from stem. Mix the buds with baking soda using spoon. Place this aluminium dredger into back of the fridge and it will work as a perfect smell absorber. You can change this mixture of baking soda and lavender after every month.